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What’s Inside Our Birthday Beauty Box!

What’s Inside Our Birthday Beauty Box!
Schané Flowers
Content Writer4 years ago
View Schané Flowers's profile
This September, the Beauty Box turns 6! We want you to celebrate with us…

Looking Fantastic: Our Birthday Box! 

Our 'Birthday' Edition Beauty Box is filled with 6 incredible beauty treats - everything you need for a party like no other! Plus, because it's our birthday month, you'll find an extra special treat inside just for you - we hope you love it as much as we do!Worth over $95, subscribe today and don't miss out!

What’s Inside The September Box:


The Variants:


Subscribe Today!


Schané Flowers
Content Writer
View Schané Flowers's profile
A beauty enthusiast by heart and a plant lover, I'm always looking for the latest and greatest in skincare and beauty, especially clean and organic! I think everyone's entitled to high quality skincare at any budget, and I'm always on the lookout for what's new in the industry be it tips, tricks, or products!