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What’s Inside the September Beauty Bag

What’s Inside the September Beauty Bag
Schané Flowers
Content Writer4 years ago
View Schané Flowers's profile

Here it is! Our September Beauty Bag!

Valued at over 100$, this 14 piece bag set is yours with any purchase of 90$ or more! So what’s in store this month? Read on and see!

Please note that item size may vary and the products displayed here are the full-sized equivalents.
Schané Flowers
Content Writer
View Schané Flowers's profile
A beauty enthusiast by heart and a plant lover, I'm always looking for the latest and greatest in skincare and beauty, especially clean and organic! I think everyone's entitled to high quality skincare at any budget, and I'm always on the lookout for what's new in the industry be it tips, tricks, or products!